McCall Center for Behavioral Health & HELP, Inc., together as one.
Torrington, Connecticut February 1, 2022 – Today McCall Center for Behavioral Health/CNV HELP, Inc. has announced it has earned the 2022 Top Workplaces USA award, issued by Energage, a purpose-driven organization that develops solutions to build and brand Top Workplaces. This is the inaugural year for Top Workplaces USA, built on the program’s 14-year history surveying more than 20 million employees across 54 markets for the regional Top Workplaces awards.
“We are deeply honored to be receiving Top Workplaces USA award, especially during these unprecedented times,” said Maria Coutant Skinner, LCSW, CEO. “Like many workplaces, especially in the healthcare field, we experienced heart wrenching challenges, but our staff never faltered with their unwavering commitment and dedication to their colleagues and clients. This is why the award is so meaningful, it shows us that despite the challenges our staff continue to be the glue that holds us, and our entire community together, making McCall and Help, Inc. such a special place to work.”
Top Workplaces USA offers national recognition for large organizations, those with more than 150 employees, and those that may have operations in multiple markets. Several thousand organizations from across the country were invited, and more than 1,100 participated in the Top Workplaces USA survey. Winners of the Top Workplaces USA list are chosen based solely on employee feedback gathered through an employee engagement survey, issued by Energage. Results are calculated by comparing the survey’s research-based statements, including 15 Culture Drivers that are proven to predict high performance against industry benchmarks.
“During this very challenging time, Top Workplaces has proven to be a beacon of light for organizations, as well as a sign of resiliency and strong business performance,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “When you give your employees a voice, you come together to navigate challenges and shape your path forward. Top Workplaces draw on real-time insights into what works best for their organization, so they can make informed decisions that have a positive impact on their people and their business.”
McCall and Help, Inc. are a nonprofit organization which inspires hope and promotes wellness and healing through a continuum of behavioral health services — prevention, treatment, recovery supports, and community engagement — for individuals of all ages and families across western Connecticut.
Joining together in 2020, McCall and Help, Inc. are committed to providing services that are fully integrated, evidence-based, trauma-informed, gender-specific, culturally sensitive, and highly individualized, so that those with substance use and behavioral health disorders might lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.
For more information visit our website www.mccallcenterct.org or www.cnvhelp.org.
Company Contact:
McCall Center for Behavioral Health and Help Inc.
McCall Center for Behavioral Health | 58 High Street | Torrington, CT 06790| PH 860.496.2100 | FX 860.496.2111 | mccallcenterct.org